Jubilee of Choirs (22-23 November)

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The Jubilee of Choirs is a time to recognise choir members as a gift of God’s grace in our churches and cathedrals. Choirs, be they large or small, give praise to God in song and lead others to do the same.

“[Choirs] are able to enrich the celebration by adding musical elements beyond the capabilities of the congregation alone,” (Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship, USCCB, 2007, #28).


Gracious God,

You gift us with music and the song of choirs to sing of your glory, offering you rich praise. Bless us as we gather here today and fill our hearts with love for you so that our lives may reflect this love to all those we meet. May the ministry of our sacred song inspire others to know and follow you more closely, love you more deeply and sing joyfully of their faith.

We ask this prayer through Christ our Lord, Amen.


From Vatican Council II, Musicam Sacram, Instruction on Music in the Liturgy (1967):

“19. Because of the liturgical ministry it performs, the choir—or the Capella musica, or schola cantorum—deserves particular mention. Its role has become something of yet greater importance and weight by reason of the norms of the Council concerning the liturgical renewal. Its duty is, in effect, to ensure the proper performance of the parts which belong to it, according to the different kinds of music sung, and to encourage the active participation of the faithful in the singing. Therefore:

  • There should be choirs, or Capellae, or scholae cantorum, especially in cathedrals and other major churches, in seminaries and religious houses of studies, and they should be carefully encouraged.
  • It would also be desirable for similar choirs to be set up in smaller

“24. Besides musical formation, suitable liturgical and spiritual formation must also be given to the members of the choir, in such a way that the proper performance of their liturgical role will not only enhance the beauty of the celebration and be an excellent example for the faithful, but will bring spiritual benefit to the choir-members themselves.”

From Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship, USCCB (2007):

“31. When the choir is not exercising its particular role, it joins the congregation in song. The choir’s role in this case is not to lead congregational singing, but to sing with the congregation, which sings on its own or under the leadership of the organ or other instruments.”

The Sistine Chapel Choir Concert in Westminster Cathedral. Image: Flickr: Catholic Church England and Wales, © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk.

“As a member of the choir of St Peter’s Parish, I look forward to singing and getting to know all the wonderful people that come from a range of different backgrounds and ages, all with the willingness to join together with our voices to sing out praises to God.

“We are able to sing together at weekly Mass and also for special events, such as the recent 50th Anniversary of our Church building, our Jubilee celebration. To join with parishioners and hear them respond in song and their wonderful voices, is one of the reasons I enjoy singing in the choir. We have also sung at community events, such as Carols by Candlelight where we get to share our gifts with the wider community.

“As a choir member, it has been a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the Liturgy and the hymns that are chosen to suit the readings of the day and the different parts of the mass. I have learned new hymns and heard the parish community become confident with singing these, thanks to our leadership.

“Singing in the choir is a ministry that has made me feel like I contribute to the Parish in a special way with the people I interact with and our wonderful connection to God.”

–           Rosina Bertolacci, St Peter’s Parish, Archdiocese of Brisbane


For all choirs, that they may continue to inspire and uplift the faithful through their music. We pray to the Lord.

For choir members, that they may find joy and fulfilment in their ministry to our parish. We pray to the Lord.


Vatican Council II, Musicam Sacram, Instruction on Music in the Liturgy (1967).

Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2007).

Guidelines for Liturgical Music (Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops Ottawa, Canada, 2015).

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